I've got a stash of drought tolerant seeds that I want to give away to one lucky winner. These come from Plants of the Southwest, a New Mexico company that focuses on drought-tolerant native plants.. They are a bit older, but should still germinate just fine. I've been saving them for a special occasion, and I can't think of a better way than to help someone else make their yard more beautiful while conserving water!
What seeds are included?
- Wild hyssop (Agastache cana) - good for hummingbirds
- Pink nodding onion (Allium cernuum) - edible blossoms
- Chocolate flower (Berlandia lyrata) - smells like chocolate
- Indian ricegrass (Orzyopsis hymenoides) - a light, airy grass
- Jacob's ladder (Polemonium foliosissimum) - very pretty blue flowers
- Little bluestem (Andropogon scoparius) - changes colors in the fall
- High Desert Mix - 1 oz with at least 17 different wildflowers
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Good luck!
Photo of Jacob's ladder by Flickr user travelingwild
water later in the day so water doesn't evaporate as fast.
Water in the morning before it gets to hot.
Always water first thing in the morning.
I try to plant native plants, so that they are naturally more drought
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If your garden is planted where there is a ot of shade, plant vegetables and flowers that prefer it- you'll save water that way also. gcgranny72@hotmail.com
My favorite low water plants are penstemons!
I am just learnig to be a better gardener, and I appreciate the tips and suggestions on this site and blog!
i hope to attract hummingbirds and butterflies in a natural setting, and to give them a healthy and peaceful garden to visit! This giveaway is as good as gold to me!
I'm using drip and soaker hoses to water, and have replaced my lawn with drought tolerant natives. I'm always on the lookout for more pretty plants that don't take a bunch of water! Thanks!
I save water in the garden by catching rainwater, and by saving water from washing and rinsing dishes, etc. and use it to water garden plants.
hi_joan_elliott at hotmail dot com
I love yucca plants. :)
Get a rainbarrel...they're a great way to better distribute water!
I like hostas.
Great idea - the chocolate flower sounds like something I'd like in our yard! To save water we use a rain barrel and water our plants from that!
greenlancer at comcast dot net
I save water in the garden by mulching. asthenight at gmail dot com
Using a drip hose on a timer is the absolute best- it gets done really early in the morning and you are good to go!
I like the purple cone plant. Every garden should have a rain barrel. I learned this from Grandma Iola. :)
kowandamcbride at yahoo dot com
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last year I planted a lot of natural grasses that I love in my flower garden-I save rain water also
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
Using a water efficient sprinkler (uses 30% less
water) check at your garden center.
The best drought resistant plants are those that are native to your area.
We water our plants later in the afternoon, but you can also use self watering pots, the water doesn't seem to evaporate as fast!
Nury77 at live dot ca
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I love Phlox. Thanks for the giveaway.
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
I certainly wish I could find a m ethod to enter your giveaways...but I don't have a Google Account.:-(
My favorite drought resistant plant is Rosemary, I planted it in full sun, in the desert and it thrives with very little water.
Aw anonymous poster, you can still enter as long as you leave me some way to contact you later! The Google account makes it easier, but you can leave an email. I have a separate email just for giveaways myself, so it's easier.
I love Rosemary also :)
We use drip irrigation in the early morning to conserve water.
We always water early in the morning
We have rainwater bins, and use a cardboard/newspaper substrate under the soil to retain more water.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
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Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
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Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
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Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
I save water by only watering after the sun goes down. That way, none of it evaporates.
I try to water in the late afternoon, if there's rain in the forecast I don't water at all and let nature do the work.
We have a rain barrel
We save water for the garden by placing our garden downhill from the rain spouts of the house :)
themeimlookingfor at yahoo dot com
Water near the base of the plant not the whole plant.
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We use rain barrels
# 2 follow blog as jelaws5
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your blog is interesting and informative
We collect rain water for later use and plant indegenious plants. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
Hi nessa,
We have rain barrels around our yard and use those to water our veggie gardens. We also have a compost bin to fertilze the earth we grow in! I love drought free yards. Our entire front yard is drought free! We have rock and bark and alot of shrubery that requires less water. Ice plants are also very drought resistant, and some have pretty flowers and foliage! I also posted this on my facebook fan page and follow you on google reader!
Happy gardening
My fave drought-tolerant plant at the moment is the skunkbush we planted in one corner of the yard. Thanks for the giveaway!
emhagedon at gmail
I save water by letting DH water the plants - 'nuff said.
My favorite for dry conditions is the Persian Carpet Zinnia.It has done quite well for me, a real trouper, blooming through the hottest days of summer!
We have rain barrels under the downspouts,and use that for much of the watering.
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Succulents, lavenders, artemesias and festuca.
I have a rain barrel to collect rainwater for outdoor use.garrettsambo@aol.com
Collect it in a rain barrel.
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Donna Kozar
I save water by never watering, but the juniper outside my door is still alive somehow. I'd love to win seeds, but I'm in zone 2, and also don't have a garden. Consider me out of the contest. Just wanted to say I enjoy your blog!
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