I also had some problems with the community garden - finding someone who could do the plumbing. I also had emergency gallbladder surgery in June, so that further threw plans out of whack. It's back on track for next year, though. I am working on applications for grants and funds like the Pepsi Refresh project.
I was sitting in my bed working online, and I decided that I needed more plant life in my room. I have an Earthbox
Alpine strawberries are often found wild in Europe. They are conical and smaller than the strawberry we are used to in supermarkets. It's supposed to have a smashing flavor, so I can't wait to finally try them.
It sounds like I'll have to be patient with these seeds - it can take 3-4 weeks to germinate. Whew! I'll probably start some other seeds too, but that is yet to be determined.
Here's a video about seeding alpine strawberries. It's part of a whole series about growing alpine strawberries.
What's your winter gardening project?