Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Is It Time for Peas Yet?

My mind keeps whispering the question "Is it time for peas yet?"

When I was growing up, I HATED eating peas. I would see the green balls on my plate and want to gag.  I used my fork to carefully push aside any of these insidious vegetables.  If I had to eat them, they went down whole.

A few years ago, I worked at a water conservation demonstration gardentry  that had several different sections to show design possibilities.  In addition to a beautiful harvest garden that focuses on fruits and herbs, there was a vegetable garden that used underground drip irrigation.

Since I had another job, I usually worked nights. The exception was Saturdays, when I usually worked a morning shift.  The garden was 45 minutes from my home, so I was usually running out the door without any breakfast.

On one fateful Saturday, I decided to make a breakfast of yellow pear tomatoes and try peas fresh off the vine.  I was in love!  I decided that the problem all those years was that the peas had been cooked.  Fresh peas are marvelous.

There were several Saturdays afterwards that I enjoyed the same meal.  I now search for peas on vegetable trays at parties.  I do eat them pod and all.

Fortunately for me, peas are one of the earliest vegetables to plant.  As soon as the ground thaws they can be put out, in fact.  I have an EarthBox to test out, so I can start them even sooner inside and move the box to the patio when it's closer to spring.

I haven't quite decided which varieties I will plant yet.  I have some older hybrid seeds that do need to be used up.  I also want to try some sweet heirloom varieties.  Any suggestions?

Do you always wonder "Is it time for peas yet?"

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