Monday, April 19, 2010

Winner of the Drought Tolerant Seeds Giveaway

Whew!  It's been a bit busy lately.  I've been planting some seeds (pea sprouts appeared today!), training for a marathon (see the Super Hot Chica tab), planning a community garden (more info to come) and more.

First - do you notice anything different?  This blog got a wonderful makeover courtesy of Mary,Mary Quite Contrary Designs.  I especially love the picture of the palm tree in the snow (symbolic, of course, of ME!)

I put all of the entries for the Drought Tolerant Seeds Giveaway into a Google document, adjusting to make sure that any extra entries were counted.  I zipped over to Random,org and as you can see, #24 was the winner! She said:

Using a water efficient sprinkler (uses 30% less
water) check at your garden center. 


Congrats to you, Candice!  I'll be sending you an email and you'll have 72 hours to send me your address, or an alternate winner will be picked.  Thanks to everyone for playing and be sure to read the comments on the giveaway for some water conservation tips and plants.
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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Seed GROW Project: Spitfire Nasturtiums

I'm one of 45 gardeners around the country participating in the Seed GROW Project, where we are all growing Spitfire Climbing Nasturtiums (Tropaeolum majus 'Spitfire') and comparing results.

It's not quite time to be planting them here in Utah. Planting outside would have to be after the frost date (May 15th), and starting indoors would only be about 3 weeks before then.  It's been snowing off and on this week, so it's not looking promising yet.  If I was home in California, I could have planted them when I got them a month ago..

It's also uncertain as to where these will be planted, as I have at least 3 garden locations to work with this year - my own place, the community garden I am starting, and a half acre that my best friend and I will share.  We are looking to try our hand at growing competition-sized pumpkins on that one, and there will be plenty of room for at least one of these nasturtiums too.

I am looking forward to this experiment.  They taste peppery, so I am told, and it would be fun to serve a flowery salad to my friends.

Until it's planting time, I am left just dreaming of planting my Spitfire nasturtiums and reading the blogs of those who have been able to start.

Have you grown nasturtiums?  Tried eating them?

"I'm growing Nasturtium "Spitfire" for the GROW project. Thanks, to Renee's Garden for the seeds."

Photo from Renee's Seeds

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